Dott. Beneventi Massimiliano


Dott. Beneventi Massimiliano

Corsi frequentati

  • Corso di alta formazione Diagnosi e trattamento disturbi di personalità dell’Università di Bologna.
  • Il corso di formazione sulla raccolta dati bio-psico-sociali uno degli strumenti fondamentali del processo diagnostico e per la formulazione delle ipotesi durante il ragionamento clinico.
  • Terapia dialettico comportamentale (DBT)- Workshop introduttivo Corso introduttivo Introduzione al trattamento basato sulla mentalizzazione – (MBT) Dalla teoria alla clinica.
Beliefs & Values

My Core Values
and Beliefs

  1. 1The family is the singular most significant factor influencing human identity.
  2. 2Family-based therapy is a powerful model for change, one that not only helps people cope with major life issues, but that can ultimately transform how we lead our lives, resulting in healthier communities and societies,resulting in healthier communities and societies.
  3. 3Quality mental health care should be available to all who need it regardless of their financial resources.
  4. 4Today “family” takes many forms and is comprised of people joined together by biology, intentionality and/or law.

The Stories of Success

“My mind and in particular my thoughts used to be all over the map. My thought processes were cluttered and I searched for truth and peace in my life, doubting that I would ever find it. I live now for the present. Thank you.

Leona & Alvin

“When I first met Callie Britt I began a journey of self-discovery of challenging how I perceive myself in all my relationships in life both past and present and future ones. I now approach people and situations with new hope.

Casey & Christina

“We were in a very bad place and you really stopped us from going down a terrible path. However, we both heard from you things we didn’t necessarily want to hear but needed to. But now we slowly improving in our marriage.

Simona & Michael

My Mission

I Put my Mission Into Practice Every Day by ...

The mission of The Family Institute is to strengthen and heal families and individuals from all walks of life through clinical service, education and research.

The Stories of Success

“My mind and in particular my thoughts used to be all over the map. My thought processes were cluttered and I searched for truth and peace in my life, doubting that I would ever find it. I live now for the present. Thank you.

Leona & Alvin

“When I first met Callie Britt I began a journey of self-discovery of challenging how I perceive myself in all my relationships in life both past and present and future ones. I now approach people and situations with new hope.

Casey & Christina

“We were in a very bad place and you really stopped us from going down a terrible path. However, we both heard from you things we didn’t necessarily want to hear but needed to. But now we slowly improving in our marriage.

Simona & Michael

My Mission

I Put my Mission Into Practice Every Day by ...

The mission of The Family Institute is to strengthen and heal families and individuals from all walks of life through clinical service, education and research.

The Stories of Success

“My mind and in particular my thoughts used to be all over the map. My thought processes were cluttered and I searched for truth and peace in my life, doubting that I would ever find it. I live now for the present. Thank you.

Leona & Alvin

“When I first met Callie Britt I began a journey of self-discovery of challenging how I perceive myself in all my relationships in life both past and present and future ones. I now approach people and situations with new hope.

Casey & Christina

“We were in a very bad place and you really stopped us from going down a terrible path. However, we both heard from you things we didn’t necessarily want to hear but needed to. But now we slowly improving in our marriage.

Simona & Michael

My Mission

I Put my Mission Into Practice Every Day by ...

The mission of The Family Institute is to strengthen and heal families and individuals from all walks of life through clinical service, education and research.

Sono uno psicologo iscritto all’Albo degli Psicologi della Regione Emilia Romagna ad orientamento in psicoanalisi della relazione, sono iscritto alla Scuola di Psicoterapia Sipre di Parma, sto svolgendo il mio tirocinio di psicoterapia presso una comunità per tossicodipendenti.

Mi sono laureato in scienze e tecniche psicologiche presso l’Università Carlo BO di Urbino con una tesi sulla SWAP-200, strumento diagnostico per i disturbi di personalità e ho conseguito la laurea in psicologia clinica nella medesima università con una tesi sul PDM-2 dove ho approfondito i vari sistemi diagnostici. Ho svolto tirocinio post-laurea presso lo sportello psicologico in una scuola primaria e dell’infanzia dove ho anche collaborato con il personale docente per quanto riguarda la prevenzione del disagio.

Mi interesso inoltre di ricerca in psicoterapia, sono socio della sezione italiana della Psychotherapy Research (SPR). Collaboro con l’associazione culturale San Carlo a Bologna, in cui offro percorsi psicologici ad orientamento psicodinamico per adolescenti e adulti e ho lavorato per sette mesi presso una Comunità Terapeutica Riabilitativa per pazienti psichiatrici.

I miei contesti lavorativi prevalenti sono:
● Psicologia clinica
● Psicologia delle comunità
● Psicologia della salute e del benessere

I miei interessi sono:
● Ricerca in psicoterapia
● Disturbi di personalità

Destinatari miei interventi:
● Adolescenti
● Giovani adulti
● Adulti Anziani


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